w e l c o m e
Welcome to the approved fanlisting for Wiper of One Piece.
This FL has been approved by animefl.com.
Part of seto-kaiba.net.
f a n l i s t i n g ?
A fanlisting is a list of fans for a particular theme -a series, a character, a song, or just almost whatever you might think of that can get people's interest-.
u p d a t e s
Last update: November. 23. 2016.
Approved members: 10
Pending members: 0
r u l e s
You must like Wiper.
Your name, nickname or just how you'd like to be listed.
Your e-mail.
Your country.
If you have a website, provide the URL so we can link you back.
Not obligatory, but if you feel like, you may go to the Codes Section, take one and upload it to your page.
Please, don't direct linking the codes.
j o i n
m e m b e r s
www // @ // Peru // RavenTears //1
www // @ // Mexico// Kmiya //2
www // @ // Spain// Morla //3
www // @ // Japan// sayo //4
www // @ // Spain// Sali //5
www // @ // Germany // Toxic //6
www // @ // USA// elisabeth Constantine //7
www // @ // Australia // Cozza //8
www // @ // Germany // AnzuHirota //9
www // @ // Switzerland // Lethe //10
c o d e s
Please, don't direct linking the codes.
50 x 50

88 x 31