Welcome to OVER HEAVEN.
The   APPROVED   fanlisting for DIO BRANDO of JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure).

Last update: June. 5. 2024.
No new members have joined recently.
Approved:   AFL.com  
A part of:   MORPHINE   and   SETO-KAIBA.net  .

1. You must DIO BRANDO.
2. Provide your name, nickname or just how you'd like to be listed.
3. Provide your e-mail. (Not obligatory).
4. Provide with your country.
5. If you have a website, provide the URL.
Not obligatory, but if you feel like, you may go to the Codes Section, take one and upload it to your page.
6. Please, don't direct linking the codes.

Please   CLICK HERE  

Please, don't direct linking the codes.





1- RavenTears //   WWW   //   @   // Peru
2- Kula //   WWW   //   @   // Chile
3- Yamila //   WWW   //   @   // Argentina
4- LINDSAY^_^ //   WWW   //   @   // USA
5- ren //   WWW   //   @   // Brazil
6- Julie //   WWW   //   @   // USA
7- Diego //   WWW   //   @   // Spain
8- lee //   WWW   //   @   // USA
9- Koma //   WWW   //   @   // USA
10- Honey //   WWW   //   @   // USA
11- michael //   WWW   //   @   // USA
12- dazed //   WWW   //   @   // USA
13- Dio //   WWW   //   @   // UK
14- Samu //   WWW   //   @   // USA
15- dariius //   WWW   //   @   // USA