w e l c o m e
To the approved fanlisting for Raven of Zoids: Kiju Shin Seiki Zoids (Zoids Chaotic Century).

This FL has been approved by AnimeFL.com.
Part of Seto-Kaiba.net.

f a n l i s t i n g ?
A fanlisting is a list of fans for a particular theme -a series, a character, a song, or just almost whatever you might think of that can get people's interest-.

u p d a t e s

Last update: November. 23. 2016.
Approved members: 4
Pending members: 0

r u l e s

1- You must like Raven.
2- Your name, nickname or just how you'd like to be listed.
3- Your e-mail. (Not obligatory)
4- Your country.
5- If you have a website, provide the URL so we can link you back.
5.1- Not obligatory, but if you feel like, you may go to the Codes Section, take one and upload it to your page.
5.2- Please, don't direct linking the codes.

j o i n





m e m b e r s

1- RavenTears // www // @ // Peru
2- Lilacs Kim // www // @ // New Zealand
3- Senyee // www // @ // Ireland
4- Magdelynn Joa // www // @ // Canada

c o d e s

Please, don't direct linking the codes.

50 x 50

88 x 31